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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article is in accordance with the scope of the RESISTOR journal
  • Articles have never been sent and published to other publishers in the form of any media (printed / electronic).
  • Settings The number of scientific readings used as a bibliography is at least 10 titles (80% primary references and 20% secondary references).
  • The article is in accordance with the template in the RESISTOR Journal.
  • The format of the article being collected is in format Microsoft Word
  • Articles are written and arranged based on the template for articles, with total of 06-14 pages
  • The author upholds the copyright, privacy and ethics of scientific publications in the RESISTOR Journal
  • Maximum size for sending file is 2MB

Author Guidelines

When Submitting Articles, The Author Must Pay Attention To:

The article that has been sent should be in accordance with the scope of RESISTOR Journal, the article which is not in accordance with the scope will be directly rejected. Scope can be seen in here

The article has not been sent and published to other journal in any media (printed or electronic). If there is any duplication of publishing, the article will be rejected or withdrawn. More information about the policy of article rejection and withdrawal can be seen here.

The result of plagiarism check use ithenticate with maximum result of 15%, if more than 15% then the article will be returned to the writer to be revised.

References used is minimum 10 with primary references sources about 80% and 20% secondary references sources with IEEE style. The references writing must use reference manager software, one of them is MENDELEY. Article which makes manual references will be returned to the writer to be revised.

Article is sent in word format with the total page between 6-14 pages, the excess page will be charged Rp. 50.000,- per page.

Article is made in accordance with RESISTOR Journal template, the template can be seen and downloaded here.

Submit guidelines can be seen here.

The writer upholds the copyright, privacy, and ethics of scientific publications of RESISTOR Journal

First author does not allowed to do publication in two consecutive publishing

Start from 21st of April 2021, IF THE ARTICLE IS ACCEPTED TO BE PUBLISHED, THEN THE WRITER IS CHARGED PUBLICATION FEE ABOUT RP. 500.000,- More information about Author Fees can be seen here.

Payment is made by transferring to BNI with No. account 1428124774 a.n. Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia

Privacy Statement

The name and email address entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be used for other purposes or distributed to other parties.